Sunday, January 24, 2016

The Real Immigration Problem

Regarding immigration, I would apply the same common sense principle as any other rational person. I would spend my own money to help my allies and any others who would benefit me to have easier access to me, and I would spend my own money to hinder my enemies and any others who would harm me from having easier access to me. If I weren’t sure, then I would observe whether they were being assisted by my enemies, and if so, then I would assume that a majority of them were either my enemies or were being used by my enemies to harm me.

It is indeed the case that my enemies are bringing people across the border, which you should care about very much, because my enemies are your enemies because my principles are in your best interests.

My principles are – everything voluntary. You own yourself and thus the fruits of your labor (your property). You have the right to defend yourself and your property. Decentralization is best because less central power means a greater proportion of the laws are only local laws, and it also means greater diversity in local laws, which means one can just move to a better town if one doesn’t like the local government, which all means local governments will be competing to be the best governments they can be … and that government is best which governs least.

Our enemies are those who want to control us, confiscate the fruits of our labor, reduce our choices, force us to conform, make us dependent, censor us, disarm us, deceive us, play us, or otherwise neutralize us. Such people can be loosely described as progressives, which includes neocons (Republican progressives) and an army of useful idiots.

One of the two main groups of useful idiots are those who think they are fighting against their imaginary enemy – the racists. Ironically, their frivolous accusations of racism prove that it is they who are the racists. This group of useful idiots overlaps the other main group, who think they are fighting the crony billionaires and multinational corporations by demanding more government, more taxes, more spending, more regulation, more centralization, and global government. Of course, they are furthering the agenda of those they think they oppose.

The people whom the progressive elite are helping to come here are a new kind of useful idiot. The progressive elite actually see them as their enemy in the long term, but at the moment, they also see them as useful idiots. In the long term, the progressive elite, who are white/Jewish eugenicists, want to sterilize 99% of the people like those they are helping to come here. Therefore, they obviously think that the people they help to come here are going to help them overcome the last obstacle to their other long term agenda, which is global domination.

The progressive elite believe the last obstacle to their global domination is the armed citizenry of America. Once they have neutralized the American people, then no one will be left to stop them.

The progressive elite expect these particular immigrants to help them remove the last obstacle to their global domination. For example, they expect most immigrants to vote for the Democrats, who are yet another kind of useful idiot because they are pushing hard for the last two planks in the globalist agenda designed to neutralize the American people. One is the total takeover of healthcare, and the other is disarming the people. Additionally they expect these immigrants to be more willing to join the DHS and thus directly help disarm the indigenous American population once the progressive elite are ready.

The progressive elite also expect some of the immigrants to be Islamic jihadists, which will help them strengthen the Patriot Act and perpetrate their “war on terror” against those people on American soil. Then, the transition from fighting Islamic jihadists on American soil to fighting libertarians, Tea Partiers, patriots, and any other critics labeled as domestic terrorists … would be seamless.

Just to be clear, the only ethical policy is – everything voluntary. Therefore, nothing I would do would be an initiation of force; however, force is already justified in response to the countless ways in which our enemies have already initiated force. Nevertheless, do not respond with force just because it is justified. They are playing us. They are desperately trying to provoke the people into attacking the government or each other so that they can have their pretense for a greater police state to combat “domestic terrorists”. Remember, they control the media.


  1. Nice Job keep it up!

  2. Everyone knows that it every year many people come to America primarily for better jobs and in the process add value to the U.S. economy. However, they also take away value by weakening the legal and national security environment. When three out of every 100 people in America are undocumented (or, rather, documented with forged and faked papers), there is a profound security problem. Even though they pose no direct security threat, the presence of millions of undocumented migrants distorts the law, distracts resources, and effectively creates a cover for terrorists and criminals.
