Each paragraph is a synopsis of a link that provides compelling evidence of conspiracy in the cause and/or cover up of 9/11. Although this list should be more than sufficient to convince any independent minded person of conspiracy, consider that this is just a fraction of the compelling evidence. Also consider that the entire mainstream media has conspired to ignore all of this compelling evidence.
9/11 Summary by James Corbett – In this five minute video, James Corbett makes a pretty comprehensive, compelling, and entertaining argument packed with facts and supporting evidence making it pretty obvious that the official story on 9/11 is ludicrous and that powerful motives existed for an inside job.
WTC7 – The best single issue to start with is the little known fact that a third tower fell on 9/11 and the self-evident fact that it was a controlled demolition; whereas, the official story that came out several years later was that, what looked exactly like a controlled demolition, and which had been previously admitted [1] [2] [3] to have been a controlled demolition, was putatively the result of an ordinary office fire. Watch the videos here, and see for yourself that the official story cannot be true and can only be an intentional fabrication.
Flight 93 Debris Pattern – Multiple facts confirm that Flight 93 in Pennsylvania broke up in the air as if it had been shot down, which contradicts the official story, and the single most compelling of these facts is the debris pattern. The official story is that terrorists flew Flight 93 straight down into the soft ground of a land fill where it was instantly and entirely submerged with not one scrap of debris visible anywhere around the site and leaving only a modest gouge in the dirt. As ludicrous as the submersion of the flight sounds, we don’t need to debunk it directly to disprove the official story because the official story disproves itself by admitting that an engine was found one-half mile to the right of the crash and two more debris fields were discovered along the original horizontal flight path about three miles and nine miles away! The official story is that the debris had bounced to their final locations!
Molten Steel Proven but Denied - This video proves that molten steel at the site for 6 weeks following 9/11 existed and was well documented, and that NIST Lead Engineer, John Gross, denied the existence of molten steel at the site when asked about it by a citizen. Consider also that molten steel would have been compelling evidence of the use of thermite, which would have contradicted the official story.
Bill Cooper Predicted 9/11 – This video proves that as of 6/28/01, Osama had been working with the CIA all along, and how anti-government extremist, Bill Cooper, predicted that same day that a major attack would be perpetrated a few weeks later by the “New World Order” and be blamed on Osama Bin Laden. It also explains how he was ambushed and killed by police on 11/5/2001. Shortly before that, Bill Cooper had said that the same NWO forces that perpetrated 9/11 were hoping to perpetrate a false flag some day in the form of an alien attack, which sounds pretty far fetched until you consider that he was right about the 9/11 false flag …
Thank you very much for the sharing! COOL.. Moon Landing Hoax