Saturday, July 12, 2014

Democracy is Illegitimate

Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner.

Democracy is not freedom, morality, or rule of law.

Democracy seems better than it actually is because it is new and because it is known to have followed bad monarchies or theocracies, and thus those new democracies consisted of people who had learned the evils of government (i.e. taxation, inflation, regulation, conformism, censorship, double standards, cronyism, false flags, gun confiscation, democide, genocide, slavery). What most people don't know is that those same things can also happen under the newer concept of democracy too once the culture who formed the democracy no longer understands why it revolted.

Democracy seems better than it actually is in comparison to other forms of government because it has primarily existed in the age of radio, then television, and now the Internet and digital cameras. Therefore the evil forces at work in all governments have naturally been forced to evolve more slowly, be more secretive, hide behind more layers of front men, and adopt far better PR mechanisms – all to stand up to greater scrutiny.

Democracy seems better than it actually is because it was created and evolved at a time when the people owned guns, and thus governments had to be more respectful of the people.

Democracy seems better than it actually is because it was usually created at the same time as a constitution or a bill of rights that captured the lessons learned by the generation who revolted.

Although democracy is not inherently good, it is not as inherently evil as less democratic forms of government because it must please a larger segment of the population.

Therefore, government has improved a only a little because of democracy; whereas, government has mostly improved because of armed citizenry, revolutions, radio, TV, Internet, digital cameras, constitutions that incorporate lessons learned by those who revolted, and because those lessons learned limited government to those actions that pleased a larger percentage of the people, which has slowed the propagation of evil.

Unfortunately, that is still not good enough or else we would not have the problems we have today. In fact many of the problems we have today are the unintended consequences of past government action. One cannot overemphasize that democracy can still be very evil. Consider Obama's DHS and consider What is Wrong with the People.

The path forward is clear. Why not limit government to those actions that please an even larger percentage of the people?


  1. "Direct democracy (also known as pure democracy) is a form of democracy in which people decide (e.g. vote on, form consensus on) policy initiatives directly, as opposed to a representative democracy in which people vote for representatives who then decide policy initiatives... Two leading forms of direct democracy are participatory democracy and deliberative democracy." ~ Wikipedia

  2. "Why not limit government to those actions that please an even larger percentage of the people?"

    The only good government seems one that can be freely and without threat of 'sanctions', imprisonment, etc., opted-out of; one that is non-coercive. In other words, the only good government is no government (if that is one wants, and many do).

    The moment a group of people force their will on others, it's already game over.

  3. A moral government is one that (a) only punishes citizens for harming other citizens, not for failing to adequately participate in the majority system, and (b) expropriates and appropriates equally and without exception. Everything else is tyranny.
