Saturday, September 28, 2013

Why Greece Arrested Golden Dawn

The Greek government arrested the leaders of the Golden Dawn Party today because the Golden Dawn is fascist. For example, the Golden Dawn is fascist because it might try to arrest other political parties.

In spite of the people having already been disarmed by the Greek government, the leaders of the Golden Dawn had a few firearms. Therefore, the Greek government also disarmed the leaders of the Golden Dawn because the Golden Dawn is fascist. As another example, the Golden Dawn is fascist because it might try to disarm the people.

Like the Greek government, the German government also bans fascist groups and disarms the people.

It may seem like the actions of the German and Greek governments are themselves fascism, but we know they are not fascist ... because Anderson Cooper doesn't call them that.

The self-appointed Elites do not fear the Golden Dawn, or fascists, or communists either. In fact, they probably support the Golden Dawn Party given that they back just about all sides in order to keep us fighting among ourselves. They do not fear the Golden Dawn. They only fear zero squads.

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