Monday, July 1, 2013

The Purpose of Government is to Prevent …

Progressives are correct. The purpose of government is to implement good ideas. What progressives don't understand is that big government is a bad idea. Therefore …

The purpose of government ... is to prevent the creation of big government.

That is exactly what America did in 1776.

Just as progressives don't understand that big government is a bad idea, they don't understand that freedom is a good idea.

Progressives don't understand that the best way for people to get along with each other is to mind their own business.

Progressives don't understand that their ideas can only be implemented by force; whereas, libertarian ideas can only be implemented voluntarily.

Progressives don't understand that progress doesn’t come from government. Progressive don't understand that they are therefore holding back progress. Likewise, progressives don't understand that they are holding back economic recovery.

Progressives don’t understand that they are less open minded than young earth creationists because they rarely have to defend their ideas.

Progressives don’t understand that libertarians and the Tea Party are more liberal than liberals.

Progressives don’t understand that they are motivated by a desire to conform. Progressives don’t understand that they are motivated by hate. Progressives don’t understand that their desire to control those they hate makes them useful to those Elites who want to control us.

Progressives don't understand that all actions are performed by individuals, and that no action has ever been performed by a group. Progressives don’t understand that America is the least racist country in the world. Progressives don’t understand that they have destroyed the black community through government dependence, which is the new slavery.

Progressives don’t understand that they commit atrocities to the full extent that their power allows. Progressives don’t understand that they are – more than anything else – fascists.

Although Progressives control the media, academia, government, and organized religion, the Internet is helping Americans relearn that …

The purpose of government is to prevent the creation of big government.

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