Monday, June 10, 2013

PRISM Whistleblower Busts NSA and Obama

The source of the NSA PRISM leak has confirmed what some of us already had pieced together from other leads:

The government does force businesses to hand over all of your phone calls, emails, and files; the government does have direct access to their servers; and the media does ignore the leads.

Obama did expand these unconstitutional programs; he does lie about it all; and the media does cover for him.

Such a whistleblower is exactly what I have been expecting. Whereas, many of us would have done the same thing, we would have been filtered out up front. However, the police state has grown so large, and thus needs so many people, that they cannot filter out every potential whistleblower. Their overreach has backfired on them.

The “conspiracy theorists” were right, and all those who ridiculed them, and who defended the government, the media, and Obama, are on the wrong side of history. For the benefit of future generations, don’t let any progressives or neocons forget that we all know they backed tyranny – just like we never let the KKK forget what they did.

Progressives and neocons have been discredited. They have no excuse because tens of millions of libertarians, Tea Partiers, Constitutionalists, and some conservatives have been warning them for decades. It is true, libertarians and many conservatives are more liberal than liberals!

The source of the leak decided to forfeit his life to expose the NSA and the Obama Administration for the traitorous thugs they are. Therefore, we should risk our own lives to protect him. Unfortunately, it will be impossible to ever know his true identity, or if he is still alive.

Edward Snowden has now claimed to be the source. Just in case he is the real source, we owe him safety at any cost, but don’t get caught up in his personality cult. He could just as easily be a plant by the CIA to infiltrate the resistance in a future police state. The CIA and the media could even set him up to become the President some day by building a personality cult around him and by neutralizing his opponents – just like they did for Obama.

The PRISM whistleblower is the good guy, and Obama is the bad guy. He is the patriot, and Obama is the traitor.

If Edward Snowden is the source of the leak, then he has done all he can, and now, as painful as it will be, fixing America is the only path forward (other than starting a new country - let's do both), and the PRISM leak just made that possible.

Do not underestimate the impact of what the PRISM leak has done.

The PRISM leaker may have just saved the Soul of Humanity.

America was the last stand. If we Americans were disarmed, then the 1000 years of global tyranny that would result (until it crumbled from within) will have killed the Soul of Humanity around the globe. Those genes will have become extinct.

Through the PRISM leaker, the Soul of Humanity strikes back!

Now more whistleblowers will try to expose what I describe as the Elites attempting to kill the Soul of Humanity. These Elites were already desperate, and had greatly accelerated their plans under Obama, such as provoking an armed conflict with the American people, and now they will overreach even more in their desperation – which will backfire on them even more.

Their multigenerational efforts could go back underground for a while, but it is more likely they will go for all the marbles this time; and it could thus get very ugly before it gets better because they have the means, the motive, and the psychopathology to precipitate war and genocide unlike anything in history if they think they will come out on top – and they do think they will come out on top. They have been preparing for exactly this kind of end game if necessary. They can precipitate civil wars, class wars, race wars, genocide, economic collapse, world wars, nuclear wars, famine, and pandemics. No cost is too great. Winning the end game is the only thing that matters to them.

Consider why they have recently begun rabid persecution of preppers, gun owners, and gold owners.

Nevertheless, the long term future looks much brighter today because so many people will lose their awe of these Elites and see them for the psychopaths they are. If the Elite cannot stamp out the meme that they are the making the bad stuff happen, then they have permanently lost the end game – and the survival of this meme is the necessary service performed by whistleblowers.

We haven’t had the Elites back on their heals like this since 1776.


  1. I don't mind surveillance the way it is described, but I do mind secrecy about that program.
    Now that program details leak - I don't see what harm did it do the the program itself.
    The program can still operate as designed.
    Why not keep the program open to the public from the beginning?

    I also wonder why nobody in Congress did not leak information about that secret surveillance program. May be not all the details, but at least that such secret does exist.
    There are several hundred members of Congress. What kept all of them from revealing that there is secret surveillance program?

    1. The reason to not keep it open to the public from the beginning is because it is unconstitutional.

      The reason that anyone with knowledge of it would not say anything is the same reason that you would not say anything if you were in their position.

      As for not doing any harm. Imagine if you were trying to debate someone and he knew all of your plans and phrasing ahead of time. Your opponent would have a huge advantage. Now, imagine if you were trying to coordinate with others to defend yourselves from an oppressive government, but that government knew everything you said if you used any communication technology. You would be at a bigger disadvantage. Now, imagine that you were an effective critic of the government, but then the government learned your identity, your location, your contacts, what you said, and what you planned to do, and could therefore easily neutralize you in many sneaky ways.

      These answers are so obvious that I feel like I must not be answering what you were really trying to ask.

    2. Are you familiar with the former USSR? Was the surveillance there harmless?

    3. Nothing is harmless, even air and drinking water.
      It's always about trade-offs.
      I personally have not experience any problems with surveillance in the USSR.
      It hurt some people, I guess, it helped many others.
      USSR's problem was not surveillance, it was lack of freedom.

    4. > The reason to not keep it open to the public from the beginning is because it is unconstitutional.

      It does not follow.
      If something is unconstitutional, but is known to Congress, then Congress would pass to to Court and shut it down anyway. Whether it's public or not - does not matter much.

      > Now, imagine if you were trying to coordinate with others to defend yourselves from an oppressive government

      If government engaged in surveillance is closely monitored, then there is not much room for abuse like that.
      Besides, abuse like that is only somewhat harmful.

      By the way, legal surveillance can catch illegal surveillance too.

  2. The surveillance in the USSR was mostly good for the people?!

    Don't assume that anyone in Congress knew about the NSA spying on Americans.

    Don't assume that Congress cares whether anything is Constitutional. Almost all of Congress claims to care about what is Constitutional, but the actions of all but a small handful demonstrate that they either don't care whether anything is Constitutional or else they don't care enough to understand whether something is Constitutional.

    1. > The surveillance in the USSR was mostly good for the people?!

      It definitely had good component in it (e.g. in preventing or solving crime).
      By how much - I don't know.

      > Don't assume that anyone in Congress knew about the NSA spying on Americans.

      Are you implying that Obama blatantly lied when he claimed that Congress knew about it?

      If it was the case, Republicans would be happy now to nail Obama for such a lie.
      But it seems nobody rebuts Obama's claim.

      If I recall correctly, Obama even claimed that this surveillance bill went through special court review that handles such special secret programs - and approved the program.

      So going public would NOT change that part.

      It could have caused public outcry and death of the bill though.

  3. Dennis... please put a finger up your but and smell it.
    Great you just stopped saying shit you don't understand for a full minute.
