Thursday, April 14, 2011

Our Founding Fathers’ Great Leap Forward

In 1776, America's Founding Fathers made a great leap forward for all of humanity. America's Founders, at great personal sacrifice, championed the liberal concepts of limited government, tolerance, equal application of the law, and individual freedom. The liberal concepts of the Founders bore their first fruit by promoting common white males from serfdom to full rights, and certainly no one could have done more at the time.

America's Founders created a nation, and championed the liberal principles that greatly hastened the promotion of women and minorities from serfdom to full rights.  America's Founders created a nation, and championed the liberal principles that would later emboldened the people of the Soviet Union to fight for their rights. To this day, the principles of America's Founders inspire others to fight for their rights all around the world.

I had never dreamed there was any point in writing another history lesson on the Founders because I thought this was all common knowledge – until recently. I was stunned when my so-called "liberal" friend Jean-Luc said that he didn't care what the Founding Fathers said because they were slave owners!

Such "liberal" hate is reason #17 why so-called "liberals" cannot seem to win the hearts and minds of America's true liberals: the independents, libertarians, and conservatives – who are more liberal than liberals.

Now, I am certain, that Jean-Luc would have really enjoyed owning slaves in 1776, just like everyone else in the whole world in 1776, and I am certain that all of his heroes: JFK, FDR, Bill Clinton, Anthony Weiner, Keith Olbermann, and Barack Obama, would have owned slaves in 1776. The only difference is in how much we would have each enjoyed owing slaves, and how well each of us would have treated our slaves in 1776, and you know that every one of these champions of the Democratic Party would have been real douchebags who really enjoyed owning and punishing their slaves.

Such "liberal” hypocrisy is reason #23 why so-called "liberals" cannot seem to win the hearts and minds of America's true liberals: the independents, libertarians, and conservatives – who are more liberal than liberals.

Liberals don’t understand the Constitution or the Founders, and they don’t want to understand. They want to luxuriate in their hate and hypocrisy. Liberals are intolerant posers, who are not really liberal at all.

Don’t just take my word for it. Frederick Douglass, the escaped slave turned author, orator, philosopher, and intellectual, had agreed with William Lloyd Garrison, the most prominent “liberal” at the time, that the Constitution must be a pro-slavery document – until the open-minded Douglass actually read the Constitution. He then admitted that he had been wrong, and that the ideas of the Founders embodied in the Constitution were in fact anti-slavery.

Now contrast the open-minded Douglass with the closed-minded Garrison – the putatively tolerant open-minded liberal, who stubbornly refused to concede any value in the Constitution in spite of his former collaboration with Douglass. Garrison, a prototype for white so-called liberals today, felt that he understood the issues of slavery and freedom far better than Douglass – the black man and former slave! Perhaps even more telling – Garrison resented that Douglass didn’t need him any more!

Sound familiar? Liberal bullies attack conservative women and minorities more viciously than anyone else – except for the special hate they reserve for libertarian women and minorities.

Now you know that when any liberal dismisses the Founders or the Constitution because of slavery, then that liberal is just a closed minded hack who drank the Kool-Aid.

It should be no surprise then that Douglass found that he had far more in common with one of my personal heroes – libertarian, Lysander Spooner, than he did with William Lloyd Garrison.

I have to agree with Spooner however, that the Constitution either authorizes the government we have, or else has been powerless to prevent it. Nevertheless, since its ratification, the Constitution has greatly slowed the inevitable progress from freedom to fascism in America and the world, and the path back from fascism to freedom lies in the direction of the Constitution.

Independents, conservatives, libertarians, and real liberals should all join forces into the foreseeable future because until we find our way down the long, long road back from the fascism of the future to the freedom of the Founders (embodied in the Constitution), our differences will be minor compared to the forces of fascism arrayed against us.

In summary:

  • Overall, America’s Founders made a great leap forward for the liberal principles of tolerance and individual freedom.
  • No one could have done more at the time.
  • The most credible historic figure, Frederick Douglass, agrees with us.
  • Prominent critics today would have also been slave owners at the time, and would have been worse slave owners.
  • Government has grown well beyond it’s Constitutional legitimacy.
  • The liberal principles of tolerance and individual freedom in the Constitution is the direction 80% of us know we need to go.
  • The other 20%, the haters who favor fascism, call themselves “liberals”.

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